To help ensure that you have the best quality of work environment possible, EHS offers services to assess various areas of your space, from how the placement of your keyboard is affecting your joint health to knowing the best workplace habits for a clean, pest-free space.

Campus Services
EHS provides a number of services that help establish a healthy and productive working environment on the MIT campus.
General Questions
If you have questions about the health and safety of your space, you may also have questions about:

The MIT EHS Industrial Hygiene Program provides ergonomic support for students and staff to help provide a workspace where you can be comfortable and productive.

Indoor Air Quality
Good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) enhances occupant health and comfort. It contributes to increased workplace productivity and well-being. Poor indoor air quality has the opposite effect. It can cause drowsiness, headaches, eye irritation, and other symptoms.

Pest Management
At MIT, we take an environmentally conscious approach to pest control, making a conscious effort to reduce the use of insecticides and pesticides.

Space Heater Use Guidelines
A joint goal of the Department of Facilities and EHS Office Safety Program is to provide a safe and comfortable work environment for the MIT Community.

Unmanned Aircraft
The use of an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) can make significant contributions to MIT research, education, service, and outreach in a variety of disciplines.

Working Remotely
Learn about best practices and available resources to work safely and ergonomically while remote.