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Biosafety Training


An integral component of work safety is the ability to identify hazards present in your work area and the knowledge to take the appropriate precautions.  EHS training is designed to help researchers, staff, and students with this process.  Prior to working with a hazard (whether biological, chemical, biological, radiological, physical, etc.), researchers, staff, and students must complete the appropriate safety training.

Some training courses are offered as web-based classes, whereas others must be completed in the classroom.  For researchers, the work activities you select in your profile in the Atlas Learning Center will determine what training classes you must complete.  For non-researchers, the training group you are placed in based on your job description will determine your training requirements.  In addition, researchers working in the animal facilities will require specific training based on the requirements of the facility.

Some training classes only need to be completed once, while others need to be refreshed on an annual or biannual basis depending on federal, state, or institutional regulations and policies.  Each time you finish a class, your training records will be updated the Atlas Learning Center.  This serves as documentation that you have completed the necessary safety training.


An integral component of work safety is the ability to identify hazards present in your work area and the knowledge to take the appropriate precautions.  EHS training is designed to help researchers, staff, and students with this process.  Prior to working with a hazard (whether biological, chemical, biological, radiological, physical, etc.), researchers, staff, and students must complete the appropriate safety training.

Some training courses are offered as web-based classes, whereas others must be completed in the classroom.  For researchers, the work activities you select in your profile in the Atlas Learning Center will determine what training classes you must complete.  For non-researchers, the training group you are placed in based on your job description will determine your training requirements.  In addition, researchers working in the animal facilities will require specific training based on the requirements of the facility.

Some training classes only need to be completed once, while others need to be refreshed on an annual or biannual basis depending on federal, state, or institutional regulations and policies.  Each time you finish a class, your training records will be updated the Atlas Learning Center.  This serves as documentation that you have completed the necessary safety training.